European Multi-Family Office Symposium, London

Date - To be confirmed
The Landmark London

Institutional Investor is pleased to announce the third meeting for the European Multi-Family Office Symposium, London. This is an exciting engagement opportunity that will offer a platform for off-the-record, candid conversations with Europe’s leading Multi-Family Office representatives. 

We aim to offer a forum in which a variety of perspectives, ideas and viewpoints will be provided on critical issues and how to navigate a multi-family office through them. The meeting will use a variety of formats to achieve this goal, including expert presentations, small working groups, family-only sessions and workshops.


Become an Attendee                   Become a Sponsor



For more information or general enquiry, please contact:


Alex Beveridge

For Asset Managers interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Donaree Stephens

+ 44 (0) 7580774790