II Research

11th Annual America’s Most Honored Companies Awards Enjoy Visiting II’s Awards Site Spaces at Your Own Pace!

Mar 18th 2021
Opening Remarks

From CNBC’s Tyler Mathisen and II's CEO Diane Alfano




Greet and congratulate peers (5-7pm EST)


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All Stars Winners

Only 23 companies earned this distinction, find out who they are!






America's Most Honored Companies Awards celebrates the U.S. Companies who ranked at the top of our All-America Executive Team ranking for their corporate leadership and investor relations expertise as voted on by the buy- and sell-side analyst community for the 2020 calendar year.

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All-America Executive Team

Portfolio managers and sell-side analysts nominated a total of 1,521 U.S. companies in this year's All-America Executive Team rankings. Of those companies, 171 are distinguished as America’s Most Honored Company. Most Honored Companies are based on cumulative success in published positions for the CEO, CFO, IR Professional and/or IR Program categories. To earn the designation of Most Honored Company within the main All-America Executive Team rankings (including all nominated companies regardless of size) a company must achieve a score of at least eight. Scores are based on tallying each company’s published positions, whereby 1st place is worth three points, 2nd place is worth two points and 3rd place is worth one point. Most Honored Companies in the Midcap rankings (companies between $2B and $10B in market capitalization) must achieve the highest score within their sector, and Most Honored Companies in the Small Cap rankings (companies who have less than $2B market capitalization) must achieve the highest weighted score in their overall category.

2020 Award Photos

AMHCA 2020 Website Photos

2020 Award Video
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